Hello everyone!!
In today's blog post, we will be telling you some fashion hacks that we've learnt over the years! Just to make your life a little bit easier.
1. okay this is the first MOST important one. When you next de-clutter your closet, make sure you go through everything and put outfits together. Take photos of you in that outfit and save it onto an album called 'fits', this way if you EVER struggle putting outfits together, you can find one easily in your saved album!!!! you will honestly thank us later. for the clothes you don't use --> please donate it to charity OR sell it on OR diy. also the photos --> could make a good insta co
2. To de-pill your joggers/leggings, just use a razor! 3. White Wine removes Red Wine Stains. Please LISTEN TO US. when you are at a party and someone accidentally spills red wine on you, or you spill your drink on your cute ass outfit. Grab white wine and dab on the area.. it will take the stain away immediately.
4. Baby powder removes oil stains! If you ever get any oil stains on your top, baby powder or any talcum powder will do the job!
5. Ever been in the situation where your zipper is stuck? or it just doesn't work? Well.. just use vaseline, or your chapstick. It will honestly work wonder, and you'll thank us later.
6. Do you ever get yellow pit stains on a white top? Don't worry! Just spray lemon juice on the pit stain, and put it in the wash.
7. When you hang your clothes up, make sure you put all the hangers in one direction. That way, when you take out the top and you turn the hanger to the other direction -- at the end of a couple months or a year you can see which clothes you don't use --> either you donate it and get rid of it, or you make more of an effort to wear those that have been untouched!
8. To find out if trousers/jeans fit on your waist without trying it on? Just wrap the waist of the trousers around your neck, if it goes around, it definitely fits.
9. To soften your tight leather jacket --> put it in the bathroom and have a steamy shower. This way it will soften the tight fabric and it'll be more comfortable to wear!
10. Any wrinkles on your clothes, without having an iron or a steamer? use your hair straighter or curler! it would definitely do it's job and it's the perfect hack.
Tell us anymore hacks or fashion tips that you have for us! we would love to know!!