Hello everyone! Welcome to our first episode of boss babe, where we talk about our life being best friends and lifestyle content. Boss Babe was created to give you a little insight into our lives. We want to be as real and as open as we can with you about our lives and things that we do behind the scenes! so we really hope that you enjoy reading this little series.
we always dream about being 21, but why?
• adulthood (fake ID has expired)
• allowed to partake in adult activities -- finally legal to do everything basically • the start of a new life (jobs/graduation), but you've got a whole life ahead of you.
the decade of change. we're still figuring everything out but you will get through this, we promise.
being 21 supposedly means we get to live our lives independently, be able to travel the world, find our passion, and basically have our life together, but truthfully it's not all glitz and glam. here are 21 things we've learned being 21.
We all have our own path in life, so stop comparing yours to other people's. It won't do you any good.
Do THINGS FOR YOU and not anyone else's -- you can make your OWN decisions now and stay grounded to your own opinion and values.
That detox tea won't help you! The Kardashian's had a lot of work done to look the way they are, so NEVER compare yourself to them or any of the instagram models you follow. You are beautiful in your own ways, and being YOU makes you unique.
It's okay to ask for help when you need it. don't be scared of what other's will think of you, you're on your own path!
Be open to change. Things change all the time. The situations that you are dealing with now won't be the same/matter in a few years or even days.
Don't rely on romance to feel WHOLE or WORTHY. Love yourself first before you can love someone else. Put yourself first ALWAYS.
Your true friends are the ones that pull you closer when you're pushing them away. SO MAKE SURE YOU INVEST YOUR TIME IN THOSE WHO MATTERS.
Stop jumping to conclusions & assumptions -- don't be a lil b*tch, be a bad b*tch.
Your grades NEVER define you. Don't bring yourself down or belittle yourself. You are doing the best you can. Learning is something to love, not to dread.
Invest in a good skincare regime. Throw away the st ives scrub and never forget to wear sunscreen!
Spend time with family members that you keep close to your heart. Time is precious, we can't live yesterday, again, so make it count.
You will still be figuring out your life in your 20s, it's not an overnight process and it doesn't get easier with age. So be kind to yourself and forgive yourself. Take each day as a new step, it'll all work out for you eventually.
Take as many pictures as you can, memories are everything.
Mental Health is SO IMPORTANT. start meditating, journaling, and finding activities that make you feel happy. we occasionally take time off our phones to keep in touch with reality and the people around us that make us happy!
Parents lowkey know what's best -- especially mums. So definitely listen to them.
Let go of the past, it's draining to hold on to it. Remember to declutter and accept the past and move on from it! You are STRONG enough to do this.
Embrace your natural features. we often get caught in a trap where we need to modify our features to look a certain way, and if you're up for that, you do you! loving yourself is going to be an ongoing battle so the best thing to do is love and manifest it!
Learn to say no! you don't have to say 'yes' to everything. if you want time to yourself or just some space, have it. It's probably your mind telling you, that you need it. Also, saying no to opportunities is 100% okay, and so necessary to keep your sanity.
Save YOUR MONEY. it's so f*cking worth it.
You won't please everyone. we live in a generation that strives to please, but as long as you are happy with yourself, that is enough - don't waste your energy to gain people's approval.
Everything happens for a reason. LIFE IS SO GOOD AND THERE IS SO MUCH TO BE THANKFUL AND GRATEFUL FOR. Live each day with this mindset, because it's true, and you'll thank us later <3
Those are the 21 lessons we've learned being 21 and we are still learning each and every day.
We are so grateful and blessed for everyone in our lives and we'd like to say thank you for always teaching us life lessons and pushing us to achieve our very best. Life is honestly wonderful and we are glad to be where we are and doing what we do! So cheers to another amazing year (despite covid)!
Let us know your thoughts and any life lessons that you've learned! We'd love to share!